- Responding to the initial request to survey - usually an innocuous looking letter.
- Securing from operators formal agreement to pay landlords, agents and solicitors reasonable costs
- Negotiating terms for the legal agreement to facilitate the survey/MSV (Multi-Skilled Visit)
- Assisting in collating relevant information drawings, asbestos, fire safety reports, roof guarantees
- Conducting and agreeing condition surveys prior to the MSV
- Managing subsequent requests for access -checking RAMS and competencies
- Monitoring of operators various contractors during MSV
Mobile phone operators are increasingly relying upon their statutory rights to access land or buildings and seeking court orders to establish whether it may be suitable for locating telecoms apparatus on it. We have attended an MSV where 16 contractors were sent by the operator on to a roof all at the same time. Further surveys followed. This survey is referred to as an MSV- a Multi Skilled Visit.
It is vital that you do not ignore letters requesting access to survey your land or building. The Operator will usually write only 2 or 3 letters before sending a statutory Para 26 notice and then will issue proceedings if it still receives no response.
We can assist you in responding to letters or Notices and with safeguards and controls for the MSV that protect your property, commercial and/or operational interests.